Unity Hub Registration Page
Welcome to the Unity Hub registration pages, the My Place Australia community platform that is private, moderated in line with the My Place Australia Social Media Guidelines and all about “Putting UNITY back into CommUNITY”.
The contribution fee for each individual is $60.00 per year or $5.00 per month.
By subscribing to the Unity Hub Platform as an individual sovereign, you will be able to enjoy a wide range of benefits such as:
- Ability to connect to your local community,
- Ability to have your voice heard,
- Ability to connect to like-minded individuals,
- Ability to share documents, photos, and videos easily,
- Join discussion forums on all topics you are interested in / passionate about,
- Ability to connect to like-minded businesses to keep it local,
- Find a range of educational resources for your family and communities,
- Create the networks and focus groups that are important to your community,
- Grow your community through easier networking, Open and Private communications,
- All proceeds assist My Place Australia and its communities, and
- Access to an Australia-wide My Place business directory.
Before proceeding to the signup and payment pages, we ask that as a participating member of Unity Hub, you agree to the following two documents:
- The My Place Australia Positive Culture Agreement, and
- The My Place Australia Social Media Guidelines.
If you agree to abide by the above documents, please continue to the registration page by clicking on the “sign up” button below.
On the registration page, you will have the option of signing up for a yearly or monthly subscription plan. Please only select the sign up option for the state that you live in. If you connect with groups across borders, you will be able to connect with them once you are within the Unity Hub Platform.
If you have any questions about the sign up process, please send us an email at itsupport@myplaceaustralia.org
** Due to the nature of our privacy and security requirements, if your password does not register on the password strength meter on the following page, please manually enter your password. Your password should be a minimum of 8 characters long and consist of a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numbers and extended characters (e.g. ! & % ).