UnityHub has now officially launched!
Thank you being a part of the My Place Australia Community.  A place where you can be yourself, feel safe, respected and part of a community that appreciates how you contribute. UnityHub is now open for subscriptions from My Place Community Members. Within the MPA UnityHub you will be able to do the following:
- Join the My Place Australia focus group to receive updates on what is happening at a National Level.
- Find and join your local community group to get updates, connect with members, share your stories, documents and ideas.
- Find and join your local community focus groups that you are a part of to continue to connect with members and continue the great work you are doing, and
- Join and participate in discussion forums about areas you are passionate about, or want to learn more about.
And don’t forget, you all have something to offer to your community! If you are not sure how you can help, simply chat to your My Place Community Coordinator to see what they need and how you can help. Every little bit of action helps us build our community together!
All that’s left to do now is Sign Up. Enjoy!